The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism As a Problem in Historical Interpretation

The Antislavery Debate: Capitalism and Abolitionism As a Problem in Historical Interpretation

 奴隷制の衰退と資本主義の繁栄の関係を巡る3人の論者による70年代から80年代にかけての論争を並べた本。資本主義を、階級関係から捉えるのか(interest)、日常的な感性をどんどん拡大・変革していく国際的な市場経済として捉えるのか(conventions and habitual modes)、はたまた公私の境界をゆるがす一方で新しい規範を家族や個を基盤に創出させるものとして捉えるのか(capitalist morality)、というのが一番大きな争点のように思う。それにしても、「ヘゲモニー」の解釈の揺れというか、誤解だ/誤解じゃないみたいなやりとりのせいで余計に混乱している印象。
 ところで "ideological hegemony" という用語があることをこの本で知ったのだが、この論争の場合そもそもヘゲモニーイデオロギーの混同が大きな問題なものだから、あんまり当てにならない。で検索。多分、ひとつ目の引用がいうような「プロセス」ではなく、「達成されてしまった状態」のほうではないか、と予想。強制を強制と感じることなく、またそれに同意している自分を疑うことのないようなまるで摩擦のない状態。美しい国日本が法制化されても、それを日本古来の文化だと誤認するような平和な状態。保留。

By 'ideological hegemony' Gramsci means the process whereby a dominant class contrives to retain political power by manipulating public opinion, creating what Gramsic refers to as the 'popular consensus'.

Ideological hegemony meant that the majority of the population accepted what was happening in society as ‘common sense’ or as ‘the only way of running society’.

Hegemony, when successful, is internalised by the general population, permeating the entirety of consciousness, saturating the consciousness to such an extent that it informs the structure and content of their ‘common sense’. This is what Gramsci called ‘ideological hegemony’.

When the masses believe, without questioning, that the dominant culture is authoritative then they have fallen into a hegemonic relationship. Acting as a mechanism of ideological control, hegemony allows for the ruling class to guide the praxis of the people without directly intervening in their personal affairs. In this way, the existing social order is affirmed in a manner that appears to be natural and transcendent of institutions. As a result, hegemony provides a vehicle for the constant assimilation of change in culture, appropriating the discourse of social movement while promoting the agenda of the dominant group.