
 Richard Rortyが亡くなったらしい。にて知る。まだぜんぜん読んでいないし、読む暇がないので、詳しいことはよくわからないが、例えばとか、とか。とりあえず。

 Richard Rorty享年75歳。死因は脾臓がんによる合併症。せいぜい耳学問に近い知識しかないので、詳しいことはよく知らない。せいぜい認識論に対する異議とかethnocentrismについてぐらいしか知らない。だけど、

Simon Blackburn, a philosopher at Cambridge University, has written of Mr. Rorty’s “extraordinary gift for ducking and weaving and laying smoke.”


Todd Gitlin(あれとかこれで有名な)の

Before heading out to Stanford two weeks ago, I wrote him to see if he was up for a visit. He answered that, alas, he wasn’t. In a late stage of pancreatic cancer, he was sleeping fifteen hours a day and he couldn’t follow an argument. How sad to think of Richard Rorty not following arguments! He died Friday.

I’ll go on following, and wrestling with, the arguments of this honorable gentleman, and will miss him.
